One Night Stand

Throw your clothes on, then grab your coat and out the door.  No breakfast made, no lying naked together, no morning kisses.  It was great sex, yet you almost immediately realize the fleeting satisfaction it brought. When was it?  Last night?  This morning?  Now, as you are rushing out the door?  When did it dawn on you that you needed more?  Like a drug, an addiction, the crave re-emerged almost immediately after. Shouldn’t this high last longer?  Why do you feel so empty so soon?
It is there.  That need for connection.  It is in all of us.  You may chase tail, but in reality you are subconsciously looking for a soul.  That which satisfies a longing for more than a one night stand.  You need more.  Those nights may fulfill for a moment or two. They may release the pent up sexual frustration.  But they will never fully satiate your craving.  You are human and need real touch. Not a superficial, skin on skin, cold and unattached episode that never gets deeper than a few moans.  It never permeates your being, making you forget who and where you are.  A one night stand doesn’t last past the few minutes it takes to remember.  It doesn’t repeat itself in feelings and emotions that mimic the night as if you were there again.  You might remember it…but as a distant memory, not a defining and lost in time, reverberating part of your life.

Sure, she may go deep on you and even gag…but a woman who actually feels you…who sees you…will do anything and everything to show you her heart and please you during sex.  Now doesn’t that sound better?  A woman who has had her soul touched will do anything for you.  I am talking real passion, true moaning, gag welcoming, mascara running, swallowing all, type of pleasing you.   

Male or female, we are all searching for this.  We are in desperate need of this connection.  And sex is the microcosm of this connection.  Sex is not the end of the search, but the by-product of a togetherness that is an inherent pull we all either hide or embrace.  We are made to need this contact.  A deeper touch that goes beyond just fucking.  

Maybe you were hurt and now merely survive by cumming in the presence of a stranger.  You now hide and repress the need for more.  Or maybe you do embrace it and search without ever finding.  So now you resort to the absence of it and settle for less.  

Stop running from it.  Stop settling.  You need this.  You will never be fulfilled by anything less.  Your heart cries for more and you know it.  
The sex will be the fruit of this connection.  It will show itself in passionate display of more than a quick fuck. More than body on body.  More than sweat and orgasms. Sex should begin way before you even physically touch.  It should begin in a connection and the intimacy will naturally flow and play itself out in a mind-blowing culmination of all that had led up to that moment.  There will be a definite difference in losing yourself in that person and in that powerful moment versus a temporary fix.  An orgasm can be completely unfulfilling if with the wrong person. It will last but a moment and leave you wanting. 

So either continue to lie to yourself and look for temporary fixes or admit your need and find your more. But don’t just search for sex per se.  Sex by itself will not satisfy you.  It may satisfy your body, but alone, it will never touch your soul.  




She goes on as if nothing is different.  Each day is a new day, but not to her.  To her, the days run together as if in a blur of time spent without consent.  Who could stop it now?  Everyone is so close. How can they be so close, yet never see her?  Do they want to see?  She lost sense of everything.  Was it all in one fell swoop or a series of events?  Her heart cries to be seen…just once.  Yet lost in a chaos of hopelessness, she doesn’t dare let down its guard.  One more time that hope is deferred, would be her bitter end.  For her shoulders hold past their capable weight as of now.  She knows to tow the line and say the words and smile through the pain.  
But someday, someone will see her.  

He can’t seem to put it down.  His struggle has become his identity.  He sees it, feels its twitch of control, hears it as if a lifesong playing without an end.  Will he ever be able to live without it?  Get up and know joy?  Open a door and lay the struggles down?  Close it and move on?  Is there light where there was only darkness before?  He knows his is a coping mechanism inherent in his life from too far back to remember.  He lives to drink.  He knows beyond that…there is dealing with what has happened.  If he puts it down, what must he pick up?  He knows he can’t ever let that happen.  

But someday, he must take pride in himself again.  

She sits alone, again.  Well, not alone in the technical sense.  Alone as emotionally unfulfilled and yearning for someone…while with someone.  She needs so many unspoken things.  Will she ever feel again?  God knows, she shut off her heart, hoping that she would grow numb and nothing would matter anymore.  To feel was to hurt.  So not to feel was bliss.  Could she get up and do this again tomorrow?  Sure. Is that what strength looks like?  Survival?  When does that run out?  Longing still, always, her heart betrays her again.  The ache is too much to bear.  Will she ever not be lonely?  She knows hers is a sentence she must live out.

But someday, her heart will find fulfillment again.

He drags his other leg off the bar stool and wonders why.  Was he not enough?  Was his attempts at loving her of no comparison?  He tried.  He gave her everything he had.  He knew he wasn’t perfect, but he did what he could to please her.  What went wrong?  And why?  When did she decide she didn’t want him?  He knows he can’t get the answers.  But he couldn’t help ask the questions.  His heart would heal in time.  He hoped.  He missed her.  He didn’t want a life without her.  Why was his love not good enough?  Why doesn’t she love him?  Did she ever?  He knows he cannot cope with her gone. He will let anger take over now.  And he will never love again.  Only invest in lust and sex. Never love…never again.  

But someday, he will find her and let himself love again.

Someday…I promise…someday.



She Doesn’t Know She’s Beautiful

Sure, she may exude confidence.  She may strut and sway.  She may even laugh off other’s criticism as if it never hurts her…simply water off a duck’s back.  

But she doesn’t know

Her smile is sweet and alluring.  Her laugh is quicksand to your heart.  Her eyes may tell the true story, yet you barely get close enough to see.  At times she knows she needs it.  But pushing herself to be above this, she refuses to give it credence. Shoulders back and head up, her strength to go on in spite of, is a testament to her sex.  Yet ache it must and ache it does.

Because she doesn’t know

She keeps you busy with her actions, kindness exuding from her very being.  This way you will never know and never see.  Yet, at the same time, in that light she shines for others is a darkness in her, contained.  A suffocating silence if you don’t tell her.  A great ache if she isn’t shown.  She goes on in silent fortitude with all others never knowing, all others none the wiser.

All because she doesn’t know.

You have to tell her of what she has longed to know.  You have to show her of what she has never seen.  Don’t stop with once, or twice, or even thrice.  You must convince her to the moon and back….because she needs to know

She is Beautiful. 💕

Beautiful beyond description.  Beautiful to her core.  Beautiful in chaos and imperfection.  Beautiful as she is right now.  



Primp That Pussy

Ladies, ladies, ladies…ya gotta primp that sucker for him.  How does he like it?  Bald as a baboon’s ass?  Hairy as Chewbacca?  Maybe he likes a landing strip for his tongue to guide just perfectly into the right spot.  Whatever his fancy, it is a sexy pleasure to ready the lily pad for your frog.  
Let’s face it.  He will be there for awhile. (If he knows what is good for him.)  So, it is imperative that we make it comfy and cozy for him.  If he likes a rug, give him a rug.  I, myself, am not so fond of a rug. I enjoy the feeling of being completely bare down there.  Every little thing that touches me is felt, times ten.  It is a symphony of magnified sensations.  But, if he wants, I could definitely grow that sucker like a fucking beaver chia pet.

There are different types of waxing you can get: Bikini, triangle, landing strip, Brazilian strip, full Brazilian, etcetera.  If you opt for a full Brazilian, awesome.  I love these…(but I enjoy a little pain now and then).  They feel sexy and naughty.  There is zero hairiness left down there, from the front all the way to the back. The only downside to these is that you have to wait until there’s enough growth to wax again.  But they do last awhile.  And it feels amazing afterwards.  Oh, and don’t forget to let him feel your newly smooth self under your skirt.  

If you shave, make sure you use a brand new razor every single time and always use a quality shaving cream.  Take your time and first shave everything at an angle to the way it grows, then go over it slowly in the completely opposite direction it grows.  Feel as you go. (👈He would love to watch that part…)  Make sure it is smooth.  Open it up and shave carefully along the insides of your labia…that’s such a nice word…anyway, then do around your rectum.  When you are finished, splash cold water on the area, pat dry, moisturize with lotion and then finish with a small amount of grapeseed or olive oil.  If you tend to get red bumps, finish with a rub of deodorant to soothe and keep the red to a minimum.  Everyone is a bit different, so figure out what works for you.  

What about smell?  I realize the taboo nature of this part of my discussion.  However, it is important that you not smell like a discarded tuna can.  Gross.  So, a nice bath or shower with whatever smell he enjoys will ensure a lovely, yet not overpowering balance of pussy and cutesy, feminine body wash.  I like a lavender and chamomile scent…or jasmine.  Aveeno has a lovely lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang body wash that is very moisturizing and low cost. He seems to enjoy it…if ya know what I mean…😉  It is essential to your preparation that you not lose the faint smell of ‘you’…so, no sterilized, homogenized pussies.  He doesn’t want a mannequin. (If he does, that’s a whole different article.)  But, make sure your smell of pussy isn’t overpowering to where he can’t breathe without feeling like he may suffocate from dirty pussy.   Remember, no tuna fish stuff going on….

Pussy dècor…this is fun.  Dress her up.  Cute panties, ladies. Not your granny’s panties.  Lace is sexy.  Satin is amazing.  Both?…his nemesis.  What is his favorite color?  What is his favorite kind?  Thong, cheekie, bikini, g-string, control top briefs?  (👈Yeah hopefully it’s not the last one.)  Ooh maybe it’s none at all.  Sexy…then just make sure you show him.  To wear sexy panties and they remain unseen…what a tragedy!  Strut your stuff; he’ll be glad he paid a pretty penny for them. 

Do some kegels.  These are easy and worth the time.  Do them while you sit at your desk or on your couch…wherever…just do them.  He will love being able to feel you squeeze and tighten even more while he is in you.  That takes some buff pussy muscles.  And he will enjoy how tight you are.  So kegel.  

And last, but SO NOT LEAST…he doesn’t want to spend the evening in the Sahara.  Make her wet, ladies.  By simply a few thoughts, a few words (hell, speak that shit to yourself if you have to), a few slimy oysters (to eat as an aphrodisiac! Oh lord, what did you think I meant?!), a short gif, whatever it takes….do it.  He will love that you are ready for him and wet as October.  This is of the utmost importance on the Pussy Primping List.  Get wet and stay wet throughout the day.  You may not know it, but when wet, you have a distinct taste that is close to divine….or so a palate for pussy has spoken.   And they love it.  So, even your taste can be prepped just for him.

Now, you may think this is all unimportant and they will go down on anything.  As that may be the case for some, the ones who master the art of oral will want a primped pussy that is tailored to their liking.  Believe me, it’s worth it.

Oh, and of course, you get all the benefits of his being pleased…and by all, I mean ALL.  Because there better be many. And by many, I mean orgasms.  And if there are not MANY…you better educate him quick.  Or hand him over to me and I will knock him over the head for you….and then we can educate him.

Okay, enough talkie talkie. Get your butt in the tub and primp that pussy!  



Sexual Ecstasy~Sound

Silence.  No breathing or rustling of clothing.  Nothing…just your steadily increasing heartbeat as you strain to hear something, anything.  Desperate to hear because you can’t see.  Blindfolded with arms and legs tied, you quickly learn to listen.  What is he doing?  Where has he gone?  The sound of your own blood pumping is so loud as you try to quiet the questions and confusion in your mind.  Wait, footsteps…faint, but they must be his.  Suddenly you hear the door open and your heart jumps up into your throat.  It’s him…you know it.  His slow and purposeful walk is evident.  He is carrying something, brushing against his pants. You can hear his steady and controlled breathing as he stops right in front you.  The purpose in this silent moment of utter anguish is quite clear: He will do what he wants with you.  Now it feels as if you cannot breathe. Scared and yet so deliciously wet, you dare not to breathe…as if it would mean his punishment.  Suddenly the intensity skyrockets, as he slowly removes his belt and the mere sound of it annihilates your every inhibition.  For it brings an ache so real and utterly divine.  A longing for him so primal, so strong.  

This is the power of seduction by sound.  It is a raw and aching need that is awakened by hearing certain, very specific sounds.  They each have a connection to our core needs.  Each core need will have a sensual connection of one or several senses.  For instance, the sound of the belt will produce different things for different people. As a bratty submissive that enjoys some masochism, it releases a deep need in me to be punished for being naughty.  A real need to have pain mixed with pleasure.  

I love sensual stimulation; I am a very sensual person and need sound.  I believe we are all that way and we need to do what we can to make sure to add this element to our sex life.  Sound matters.  Whether it is a door shutting to signal control and the finality of what is about to occur or a zipper to release sexual anticipation.  I love the manly, guttural sound of a Harley when it is really deep and loud.  Just the sound of it feels like rough sex.  It always makes me look.  Similar to when I wear heels, it is a womanly sound and before he sees anything it will make a man’s head involuntarily turn to look.  Leather has a very unique sound as well and so very sexy.  I adore riding because of all senses coming alive while you are on that horse.  Sliding your foot in the stirrups, the sounds of the leather saddle creaking and stretching underneath you and the clip-clop of the hooves on the ground.  

I also love the noises a man will make as you please him sexually.  (Granted, they must still be manly.)  Slapping is a very skin-on-skin, controlling and punishing sound that will set a sadist’s blood pumping.  If you want me to immediately start to strip…put a little Marvin Gaye or Lenny Kravitz on…something about them and a few others have a soul about them that makes me need to touch my own skin, whip the hair and lose clothing…okay, gettin’ hot in here…let’s move on.

Rain.  It is such a peaceful, relaxed type of sexy.  Like a fireplace is mesmerizingly sensual in sound, sight, and smell…rain is the same.  It makes you instantly need to grab someone and lie under the covers for hours touching and just being together.  

There are so many sounds that will not only enhance, but define and fulfill your sex life.  Foreplay is so important to make sure the actual sex is epic instead of tolerable.  You can incorporate the sense of sound very easily to your day and ensure a state of arousal which creates all day foreplay.  Do these things and add sound effects to your sex life.   If it is raining, open a window and have slow, romantic sex.  Guys, put on a soulful song, tell her she is beautiful, and encourage her to dance just for you.  Wear a leather belt to work and use it on her later.  (Don’t forget your watch…)  Take her horseback riding and watch her straddle the fuck out of that beast.  Buy a Harley.  Blindfold her and watch her squirm to hear you.

Ladies, buy a pair of heels and watch the reaction to merely the sound of them.  Send him a sexy message with no pictures…just your voice…your very naughty voice…or the sound of how wet you are.  👈He’ll leave work for that shit.  And be sure to make lots of feminine sounds during sex: whimpers, moans, sexy taunting, etc.  And don’t forget to always make sure he hears how wet and sloppy the blowjob is.  Even when he is not looking at you, he should be able to hear how wet it is and how much you like it.  
And no talk, zero talk (do you hear me??) of the need to be quiet on account of other people or children.  No.  Your family, friends and children know about sex…okay?  They all know you do it.  Maybe they don’t want to hear you, but isn’t it better that they know you have a good sex life rather than complete silence signaling a very boring sex life?  Who cares what others think?!  Be fun and adventurous and let them all hear what an epic sex life can be.  They will want it, too.  

Be bold and add the sensual stimulation that sound creates.  Do crazy and fun things to fulfill yourself and your partner, in and out of the bedroom.  



Sensual Ecstasy~Sight

See, hear, smell, taste, and touch. 

All five senses should be fully engaged during sex and throughout the day.  Some of you may experience one or a few of these, but you must learn to incorporate all five as much as is possible.  Why is this important?  We are sensual creatures.  We have a propensity towards any triggering of any one of the senses. Each of these is a realm of awakening that can be attained if there is an awareness of the need for it, and the information on how to include and implement them.  Your orgasm alone is not enough.  Sex can be so much more fulfilling if you have taken an erotic, sensual journey to get there.  How much more does an orgasm satisfy you internally if there are core needs fulfilled along the way?  Yes, we can reach an orgasm via the vanilla way.  We can hurry and miss the ecstasy that sensual fulfillment can bring.  Or we can slow down and plan the experience ahead of time, ensuring the sensual needs are sated to the utmost degree.  A sensual satiation will deeply suffice.  Whereas merely cumming will leave you dissatisfied almost immediately afterwards.  To this I advise a rediscovery of what it is that makes us sensual creatures at our core.  

We will start with the sense of sight. 

 This is imperative, yet not more so than another.  To engage this sense, we must determine what our partner needs to see.  By ‘needs’, I refer to their core.  What seemingly minute quirks do they enjoy?  For instance, the sight of a formal watch on a man triggers something psychological in me.  This coupled with a suit or shirt and tie will arouse me to my core.  This may seem insignificant, but I assure you, it is not.  There are many tiny details that make us who we are and define our sexual patterns.  These are what you have to determine.  Find these things that make your partner tick.  It will be a variety of sights. 

A man can floor a woman with his boyishly charming smile or the gleam in his eye when he looks at her.  I, also, love the sight of a large chest and arms on a man.  When he wears a manly pair of jeans that hug his ass and you can see the muscles through his shirt.  Not chiseled abs, but a manly, meaty, strong man.  Droplets of sweat dripping down his neck and chest after extensive physical labor…preferably wielding an axe.  (See: The Lumberjack Fantasy).  The sight of men in physical combat is also temptingly sexual for me, probably due to my attraction to alphas.  The exercising of control in the workplace is highly exciting for me and is about seeing dominance.  For each woman, it will be a bit different, as it will be with the men. 

 Some of the things that stir us will be seemingly nonsexual, however they will lead us to a primal desire for intimacy.  When a man has a fatherly nature, plays with his children and is protective. If he fixes the car or carries all the groceries.  These are all going to stir a woman to her core.  

For a man, there are many sight-related arousals to get into.  (I smile when I say that.)  Men, you are very visual, as well.  And I believe that is a good thing.  We, as women, can raise a shoulder, tilt our chin down, look up demurely and bat an eyelash…done.  Then let one strap gently slide off the shoulder.  At that point, you, as men, don’t have a chance in hell.  It is our irresistibly seductive, feminine wiles at work.  And don’t act like you don’t love it.  We can cook naked, leave panties off for the day, spread a little gloss on the lips, read a book wearing just his shirt, etc.  For some men, it will be a woman in a baseball cap, for others it will be when she wears an apron, or thigh highs and heels.  It is seemingly small things we don’t always consider, that make a big difference.  It can be easy to get into a monotonous daily pattern where we tend to forget about the details of real life and its greatest pleasures. 

There are also many things unrelated to his/her person that can be stirring.  For me, even the female body will arouse.  I think women are strong and beautiful, which is titillating.  What about if you’re walking in a beautiful spot with the sun streaming through the trees?  Or a romantic walk along the beach?  It makes me want to explore that moment intimately.  Small town bars and even those sexy restrooms where there is an attendant will arouse me.  (But I have a hankering for sex in public places…)  

Leading up to sex, many things should have already occurred to be the foreplay. During sex, there are several sights to incorporate and enhance the experience.  For instance, I like the ambiance of a room with low lighting and candles, a four poster bed (for the bondage, of course), and a thunderous look in his eye.  There are ways to set up a scene or fantasy that will satisfy each other.  Maybe he likes the naughty school girl look, so you dress the part and buy him a paddle.  Maybe she wants a very sexy fireman to make her squirt from her deep spot.  But both have to give and take.  

The need for us as individuals and couples to introspect and find our predominant sexual cravings is of the greatest importance to keeping a healthy relationship.  They are fundamentally true and will never relent. To repress our own needs will lead to greater issues.  And to ignore your partner’s sensual needs will result in either a parting or a suppression that leads to bitterness.  This is about the discovery and service of each other, resulting in a rhythmic cadence of fulfillment. 

To prey upon the thirsty yearnings of the eye, which stirs your partner at their core, will lead to an intensely erotic, passionately driven, and healthy sex life. 

To see is not even with the eyes, per se.  All of what we see is determined on how we see.  And how we see is what makes us each unique.  ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and we each have a beauty all our own.  



Daddy Issues

We all have them to some degree, don’t we?  Women, I mean.  I won’t speak for men, though I’m sure some of them do as well.  Whether your father was a good man or bad, present or long gone, sober or drunk, it doesn’t matter.  Because if he was a bad man, you’ll always search for a real daddy.  And if he was a good man, you’ll always search in the dim hopes of a man matching his calibur.

My father was a man I looked up to and attempted to follow perfectly until I realized I couldn’t be perfect.  I tried and tried and then one day I fell and I failed him.  He was devastated.  See, I was his perfect little girl.  The girl he knew would do exactly as he wished and never question.  I did so well repressing all my questions and desires.  I became a professional at cloaking my own self with his words of my identity.  I buried my heart in his.  For to ask who or what I was, meant to inquire of him, not me.  I was never me.  I was to be who he said I was to be.  And the instant I failed, he was gone.  Gone, not only physically, but also emotionally.  He gave up on me and I was no longer an interest. I wasn’t worth sticking around for, let alone being worth any time of his at all. 

I realize, in hindsight, that he wasn’t exactly the best father.  He had a very religious, domineering, and tyrannical sort of parenting.  It was a difficult situation to grow up in, but I did my best to please him.  I did very well for many years, but it was never good enough. He always found fault and mistakes.  I know he loves me, though, in his own way.  I needed more but it wasn’t something he knew how to give.  Today, he is still almost completely absent from my life and I find myself with questions.

 What do you do when you find yourself in your thirties having daddy issues?  We will forever have them, I suppose.  So, searching we will always be.  Again, some may be looking for the equivalent of their father.  Others may know he is irreplaceable, yet they must choose a man as close to his example and that he will approve of.  Then there are those who search for a daddy proving polar opposite to their previous model.  A real man that protects, provides, guides, and adores.  A man who doesn’t give up or leave.  A man who is wise, strong, and capable.  A man she can depend on; so she can let go and trust.  A Daddy.  He is elusive and this is no small task.  Many prove their unworthiness and so she must continue her quest.  Even though she must do it alone.  She was never meant to bear this weight on her own.  Ideally, hers would be a guided searching with her father behind her.  Yet, this is an imperfect world and so she must be alone until she finds and is found by a true man…one she can turn to and deem worthy of being the daddy to the little girl in her.

I always find myself staring when I see a father and daughter bonding.  Any affection between the two and I am mesmerized.  What an absolutely beautiful connection…and so very foreign to me.  To see how he looks at her with such natural and undying love.  As if she was a precious and breakable treasure, you can see the solemn vow in his eyes to protect her forever.  And in her eyes, such innocence and pure adoration; never having been hurt by him, she’ll always be his and she knows it.   

This is the core of some forms of the Dominant and submissive relationship.  The submissive yearns for the man who she was meant to follow.  She desperately longs for that which had been denied to her as a little girl.  Her natural inclination, her core need to submit and please is able to be fulfilled in this relationship.  Satisfying these long aching cravings, her man, her “Daddy” is now her rock, her stability and strength.  He is to her as air is to breathe.  For without him, she is once again the lost soul looking for its purpose.   Without him, the violent throbbing ache is all too much to bear on her own. Her need to be taken by the hand, to be directed and protected, cherished and nurtured, is all too burdensome on the back of a tender, vulnerable girl.  To the submissive, Daddy represents that which her poor heart was never given and she relishes his love, flourishing under his guidance and protection.  To the submissive, Daddy is her life and she is able to finally let go and trust.  She can, at last, be who she was always meant to be.  This is the beauty of sexual core needs.  To see this being fulfilled in a woman after so many years of wandering lost… so precious and breathtaking, it is to watch.  Passionate, raw devotion in awesome display.  Life fully lived, without apology to those that may not understand her heart; it is bound to him as she kneels in love before him.

To those that had a wonderful fatherly model:  You lead a blessed life.  Not all have been fortunate enough to have a real father; never take this for granted.  And I hope you find someone worthy of walking beside your father as a man to protect and provide.

To those still looking: I encourage these to not quit their search.  Ladies, you may find him or you may look forever and at the end, still find yourself alone.  But you must never give up.  For a girl without a daddy there should never be.  And to find him is worth the pain and heartache along the way.  It is a costly quest, for sure, but one that will prove its time and effort in the full heart, where once there was a lonely echo.

May you that search with vulnerable, aching hearts, protected as best you can by a strength you have slowly and painstakingly constructed, find him someday…that he may quiet the pleading of your little girl heart.



Nekkid Time

Don’t look at me like that. I know you’re hesitant sometimes (or all the time) to go au naturel, wearing only a smile, but just let me explain a few things and then you can decide if you want more and better sex, a healthy self-image, and a youthful glow OR stay with less sex, sucky sex and the opposite of a youthful glow in the morning (which would be an old pallor look that could rival someone’s dead grandmother, ladies) …ok?  I know what you do; I’m onto you.  You change in the bathroom and come out in some strange night ensemble as if there will be some catastrophic event and you need to be fully dressed.  No.  Stop that.  Your pajamas are ugly.  No man likes a woman in cartoon characters….ever.  So stop it.  He wants to see your body, not the paint-splattered old shirt with the hole in the ass shorts.  

So, what is all the fuss about?  He may want to see you naked more often but you don’t understand why or what he sees.  So, maybe your hangup is a self-conscious issue.  Honey, trust me; he loves your body and every perfect imperfection.  Men are more attracted to confidence, intelligence, and your desire for them than a media-manipulated, current societal body fad, picture perfect physique.  Ladies, he wants to see you.  I know that’s hard to believe because we all have those traits about us we see as flaws.  He doesn’t see them, nor should you. (Unless he’s an asshole, but then you shouldn’t be with him anyway.)  He desires times where you tease him and take it all off.  Please do not mistake your perception of your body as being truth.  Misunderstood and manipulated self-truth is not a base we should be using as a mirror to see ourselves.  Do take care of yourself, but then you have to know you are wanted and craved, coveted and yearned for.  Stop listening to your misgivings and all the negative resources and start listening to him.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so you may not see what he sees…but it doesn’t diminish his perception of you.

There are many chances in a day to develop this into a daily habit.  Sleeping naked is the best way to start.  I’ve been sleeping naked for years and I enjoy it tremendously.  Sometimes the sexy silk teddy or a small T-shirt and thong is what I prefer.  However, my nightly usual is just naked.  There’s actually health benefits to sleeping naked.  It’s true!  According to experts on nudey science, there are several reasons to sleep naked.  For one, it allows your vagina to breathe…yes, she needs air, ladies. There are other ways to let her breathe, too…if ya know what I mean.;)
 Also, we need cooler temperatures to sleep well.  Being too warm at night can inhibit the release of the two main anti-aging hormones that aid in the youthful glow look we SHOULD have in the morning!  That’s right, hair and skin all glowy-like and beautiful all because you ditched the PJs.  The salt from sweating causes acne and also damages hair, leading to breakage. Better sleep also aids in weight loss and a better diet.  Oh, and is there really the need to discuss the benefit of more pleasurable and frequent sex??  He will be turned on by your new found confidence and sexy nakedness which definitely will make him feel the need to touch which increases oxytocin, the cuddle hormone.  Well, and we all know where cuddling leads to…;)

But why stop there?  I like to play a risky and teasing game of “how long can I walk around naked before I get shoved up against the wall and taken?” game.  (It’s a win-win, really, because that’s obviously what I wanted in the first place.)   Yes, ladies, even with children this can be done. (Omg, no, not in front of them!  I mean, when they’re out at Grandma’s! Geez, you wanna scar ’em for life?)  

If you feel awkward at first, start by slowly undressing while he’s in the bedroom at night or walking around in a bra and panties or cooking while wearing only a dangerously sexy apron (see: Every Girl Needs An Apron ).   Make a habit of putting on your make-up naked or walking around the room naked or, my favorite, ironing in just panties.  Whatever you choose, start today and begin a habit you and your man will love! I promise, you will start to feel what he sees and speaks about you.  The way he sees you and the words he uses to tell you, will steadily increase in volume and take the place of your negative self-image. You have to trust me.

Go find that birthday suit in the back of the closet and dust that sucker off.  Then put it on, don’t be shy, get out there and strut your stuff!  He’ll love it…;)😘
Just take it off, already!



I Got The Moves Like Jagger

Do you know what it takes to impress a woman?  Confidence.  No, not the fake shit, but real, bonafide confidence.  This is a definite must in a man.  Can I stress this enough?  Never.  Sure, there are types of men that can cry and share their feelings while achieving a pity fuck, but that’ll be a one time, rare event.  She’s gotta be pretty wasted and feeling very sorry for you.  (That’s not from experience…I’d leave your ass so fast your head would spin.  That is, after I called you a pussy.) 

 Please don’t try to school me in the beauty of intimacy and the male sex coming into a momentous time of being in touch with their feelings.  Just don’t.  It’s not beautiful, it’s not glorious; it’s just really annoying.  I don’t care if you need to cry…do it alone or tell another male friend.  Do not cry and share your deepest, intimate feelings with a woman.  Unless you want to be her best friend and share BFF heart necklaces and weave friendship bracelets while singing Journey songs and painting her fucking toenails.  Yes, of course, I forgot the best part: Never getting laid.  Once in the friend zone, you are never getting out, dude.  Minus a major paradigm shift in her thinking and a divine intervention by way of your changing completely, you will be her cute and sad, little male friend.  

Don’t get me wrong.  You can be friends, while also being the man she is in love with and has sex with.  There is a difference in sharing desires, certain feelings, dreams, etc., versus sharing the most intimate, sad, fearful, anxious, and seemingly feminine feelings.  Share some things, but never everything that you are thinking and feeling.  Keep that shit to yourself.  

Women like a bit of mystery.  We like intrigue, adventure, confidence, and a bit of a challenge.  A give and take, push and pull, if you will.  This is why you must learn the ways of a woman, better yet, YOUR woman.  What makes her look at you with interest and questions?  How does she react when you don’t complain?  When you man up, take responsibility and only speak with confidence?  It’s not only the omission of these negative affirming habits, but the addition of your “mojo”.  The swagger all men must have to attain and retain a woman.  I warn you, though.  We can smell a fake a mile away.  

You must study the art of the peacock.

To strut pompously with an air of insolence, of almost nonchalance, is not to be underestimated.  No, sir, this is the male at his finest.  This artistic display of himself for the enrapturing of her attention, her mind, her heart, her body.  Though it may fail in the beginning at times, it will win the heart of a woman sooner or later.  If done with ease and confidence, sooner will be the case. 
Learn true confidence and don’t forget to dress the part of the male crackerjack.  For to ooze confidence from every part of you, is to capture her eye, thereby arousing her curiosity.  Now don’t fuck it up! 

 If you’ve been on your swag game well enough and piqued her interest then she will be watching for signs that point to your actually being a little bitch.  Her curiosity will compel her to search, test and try for any show of weakness that would, most assuredly, result in her having to wipe your ass.  So, guys, be confident and find your swagger; don’t just talk, walk it.

Alas, as I mentioned earlier, after obtaining her attention, your job is not done.  A man with swagger must be able to back it up and prove himself worthy.  This is the hard part.  Does your confidence have durability?  Will your willpower, tenacity, valor, and bravery remain constant?  Can you problem solve, think on your feet, and control the direction of your life?  Or will you buckle and need to cry on her shoulder?  Will she need to pick up where you bowed out and put down?

Confidence will prove itself when in the depths of adversity.  Find yours, because true self-confidence makes a man who he’s supposed to be for himself, for others, and for her.

You must get to the point where not only are your words captivating, but your actions, even more so.  For to watch a man in his life is to know if his words are real and trustworthy.  Stop acting emasculated and be a man.  

Get your ass out there and find your swagger like Jagger.



You My Ladyboy

To The Ladyboy,

You were supposed to be stronger than me.  You should have been stronger than me.  Where is the man you pretended to be?  I thought I could depend on you but, instead, I end up wiping your tears AND your ass. You were scared and you told me.  You were afraid and you showed me.  You were jealous and you lashed out.  You lost confidence and I watched it all unfold.  At times, I have felt the full weight of our life on my shoulders.

Where is the man?  Who is this boy that pretended to be a man?  Don’t expect me to be willing to be the strength everytime you fail.  I have been your keeper when you decided to crumble.  I listened to your whining when you failed and held your hand when you tried to walk again.  I mopped up the failures and the disappointments, time and time again.  I have been your savior when you should have been mine.

Don’t expect it anymore.  I can’t do it again.  I’m tired and weak from holding us both up.  You claimed to be a man who I could lean on.  Where you could have done much, you did as little as possible.  When more was required, you folded.  When I tried to persuade and encourage, you gave excuses.  Don’t cry to me; I am weary of your cries.  

Be a man, for once.  Be what you promised.  Be who you boasted you were.  Be he who you so desire to be.  Stop your incessant sounds only a woman should make.  Stand on your own two feet and be the man I can lean on.  Surprise me and encourage yourself, for once.  Succeed and elevate yourself to a height that you surpass others.  Take confidence, not from me, but from inside yourself.  Be the giver, not the receiver.  When you fail, pick yourself up off the ground.  Look no longer to me to be your full support.  I will be your biggest fan and follower, but I will not be your crutch.  

I need a man, not a ladyboy.

