C’mon Babe…I Just Want To Fuck Your Ass! Part 1


So this is an interesting subject, to say the least. I have done some reading on the articles that involve this sketchy and supposedly taboo point of conversation. Let me tell you: the mainstream ones…don’t even bother. They are prudish, inexperienced, and downright boring. I, on the other hand, come to you from a healthy and beautiful anal penetrative relationship. Don’t laugh. Comical oxymoron you may have thought, but it is true. I highly enjoy anal sex and have had multiple orgasms from it. If you will read on; I will elaborate.

I realize this article will attract a large amount of male readers….and this will be most insightful for you for sure; however, my main focus will be towards the female readers out there. Having said that, I think I will be funny and engaging enough (as per usual) that both men and women will be entertained.

For the men: Make sure you read about dominance and retrosexuality before you start applauding like a Baptist at the Republican Convention in support of my stance on this subject. The women are NOT to lead and they are NOT the instigators. So if you are waiting for her to “fall in line” then you have a while to wait.


For my ladies out there: Do not be intimidated by this subject. Read on, I mean the whole article, before you discount it completely. You will survive. I promise. If you love him, then shush for a few minutes and listen to me…for the love of God, or gods, whichever floats your boat.

Moving on….thanks be to heaven…I hate disclaimers.

So, the reason, of course, for male curiosity (let’s go further…. I’d say desire…nope…obsession, really) involving this matter is not to be ignored. Let’s face it ladies, they want it and they want it bad. They want it so bad and we haven’t a clue why. They have either asked once and were rejected, forced now to never speak of it again, or they continue to try to get a little closer each time…like we wouldn’t notice that it’s “accidentally” gotten a bit lost and meandered it’s way into forbidden territory!? Psssht….guys…really?? Did you think you married a COMPLETE idiot? Like we wouldn’t notice a huge cock up the ass?! Oh…oops honey, is that my pussy?! Because it sure feels different!! Wow…duh.

So why do they want it? What’s the obsession all about?? Why is the pussy not good enough that they have to have another hole? Isn’t it asking way too much for us to give in to some off color desire that they could easily just ignore? For heaven’s sake, you ask…what’s the BIG FREAKING DEAL??


Cue the relatable story now: (and yes, that is my ass….on with the smoke and lights…yeah, not really) I, too, for years had no idea what the fuss was about. I figured it was a craving he had…kinda like my chocolate cravings that I had to try to constantly ignore (thank you, Dr. Oz!! Not!😝). With a bit of self-discipline, he could learn to cope without them just like I had to!! Well, it isn’t about self-discipline, selfishness, or even cravings. This isn’t a needless want. It’s not a meaningless quirk of their personality that we can just ignore. (Well, you could and probably have been, but that isn’t getting you any brownie points in the marriage bonding arena. No pun intended with the brownie bit.)


For years I never understood the reason behind why he wanted it in there. I had a real bitterness towards him and never thought he deserved my extra parts, let alone my entire body. It was a deep-seated issue. I felt he was not deserving of my surrender on this. I mean, what the hell did he do that he deserves my whole body? Why should he get everything he wants and I can’t even get a romantic evening? Why should I have to give everything to him and get very little in return? If I do this, I will be giving in to his desires without having ever been asked what mine are. Sound familiar?? I felt like I had given much more already in the relationship and it was never good enough. I felt that, as a woman, I gave of myself non-stop and it was undervalued and unappreciated.

I’m not proposing a one-sided self-sacrifice here. I’m certainly not even talking to those women that have a man that couldn’t care less if you orgasm. (If that’s the case…..we have other articles for that shit. And I’m very sorry, please do spit in his coffee for me….daily. In fact, you could give him my number and I will deal with him…I got your back. ) I’m speaking to those women who’s man is into you and your pleasure. Is he attentive to your sexual needs? Is he giving you loads of satisfaction during “sexy time”? Or even if he’s attempting to?? Is he at least trying? If he cares about your pleasure and is attempting to attend to your needs in, and hopefully, out of the bedroom; this is my target readership.


There are a few conscious, or more likely, subconscious reasons behind these decisions women have made to not participate in more than the nominal sexual situation. You know…other than missionary….which is, in my humble opinion, (never mind that humble bit; my opinions are grand feats of intellect that should be sought after and celebrated) so very boring. I’ve heard women like missionary because they want to see his face… okay, I don’t want to see your face. I want to feel your cock hard and deep. So, count me out there. I am not a fan of missionary….again, I have devoted an entire article on this just for my own personal satisfaction and delight… Fuck Your Missionary 

So, I believe, these are those above-mentioned reasons:

1. Women are not in submission/surrender to their partner.

Submission is one of the most complex and all-encompassing core traits of myself that I have ever dealt with. (I will deal more intensely with this subject in a subsequent article.) Submission will almost always prove to be the reason women will not be what a man wants behind closed doors. The refusal can be because she deems the man unworthy of her more vulnerable self. This vulnerability can be very frightening, especially if she feels the man inadequate in any way. Believe me… submission is not easy. It’s hard to even want it. But I will tell you from the other side… it’s worth it.

2. Women feel these more “deviant” sex acts are perversive and degrading.


They feel they are better and more than a sex object and want to be seen as such. It can be because they will feel that the inequality of this act goes against the modern societal picture of marriage. Also, many times, a woman may feel that these certain needs of a man (blowjobs, anal penetration, etcera…believe me there’s etcera…and it is amazing!) are only things that a much less respectable female will do. Right? I’ve seen this many times. The woman will refuse to engage in these low level actions for fear of giving up her high horse. In no way will you find her performing anything that will mean that she may be seen as actually enjoying sexual relations more than what is considered to be normal. This woman does not want to be her husband’s whore. She wants respect and equality.

Women are smart. We are strong and sexy. We are beautiful. We consistently prove ourselves in the home and the workplace. The problem then is that we do not find these traits congruent with the sexual acts I’ve previously mentioned. This is a conundrum because these types of sexual acts are not seen as important or even needful at all. I mean, what do loyalty, beauty, intelligence, love, and devotion have to do with whorish bedroom tricks?? More importantly, will I retain my self-respect and such if I attend to him in these ways? I will then be looked upon as nothing more than the shameful high school slut that couldn’t keep her legs closed.

3. Women are hesitant about the unknown.

They are fearful of doing anything outside of the allotted comfort zone perimeters. If it is beyond what they are comfortable with they will refrain from engaging. Interestingly, if given any sort of lead position in the bedroom, they will keep everything perfectly normal and never venture far from the usual. Women are not engineered to be the adventurous leaders into unknown territory. We can and will, however, beautifully follow and hugely enjoy almost every adventure we are led into. I am not saying we aren’t adventurous; I’m saying we are better at being led into new sexual situations than leading the man into them. I enjoy learning new ways of pleasuring my man all the time. In my area, I excel and love to do new things. I am still being led though by his guidance and encouragement.

So, women can be brought out of this fear by learning to trust her partner and follow his leading. This may take time, so men be patient and understanding. Give her time to slowly trust you and adjust her position. At the same time though, the men cannot retreat because of feeling rejected. You, as men, will have to continue gently persuading and guiding into this unknown. Do not give up on her. If she is led correctly; a woman will follow you anywhere as a strong support and beautiful partner.

4. Women simply have never been introduced to, let alone taught how to do any of these sexual acts.

This is so common and yet easily remedied. This is, by far, is the best case scenario when it comes to progression in this area. All we are talking about is a few instructional videos and the courage to take the first step. Then it’s a matter of tenacity to continue learning and trying.

Ladies, if this is the cause of your hesitancy than I urge you to research each area you are curious about. There are so many things and different ways (I could really have fun with this right now….but I will restrain my humorous tendencies for now) to excite your sexual experiences. I had no idea the crazy ass things you could do…until I started exploring. Most often, I was pleasantly surprised to find interesting ideas. Although, many times I came upon gross and twisted misconceptions of a good night of sex; some of which made me throw up a little in my mouth….literally. So those are certainly not situations I am advocating. (Speaking of….have you ever heard of the Kentucky Klondike Bar???!!….if you haven’t…don’t Google that shit….)


(You did, didn’t you?….I warned you. That’s the kind of Lorena Bobbitt shit you couldn’t forget if you tried. Those things have a certain place that take up space in your memory bank. You can’t remember how to help your kid find the least common multiple for homework but guaranteed you’ll never forget what a Kentucky Klondike Bar is….good job.)

So, I hope I have helped shed the light on some of the underlying issues causing resistance on this subject. Ladies, this is a core need of your man. I would go so far as to say it is a deep primal need (seriously!) of every man. It cuts to the heart of his dominance of a precious and cherished jewel. That would be you. Now I understand the ole cock up the ass may not at all seem to be screaming “my cherished diamond” but I will get to that.
Continued in Part 2


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